Do these eight things and you will be more creative and insightful, neuroscientists say – The Washington Post

Tests of human intelligence show that even as IQ, the measure of our analytical thinking skills, appears to be on the rise, our more expansive, creative thinking skills may be on the wane as our hyper-busy world promotes more narrow, analytical thought. Neuroscientist John Kounios, a professor of psychology at Drexel University and co-author, along with colleague Mark Beeman, of The Eureka Factor, studies how creativity and insightful thinking begin in the brain. He says there are some very simple things we can all do to set the stage for insights, out-of-the box thinking, creativity and the “whispers of intuition” to arise

via Do these eight things and you will be more creative and insightful, neuroscientists say – The Washington Post.

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